Going Back to Basics

Last week I was invited by the University of Jayewardenepura for their ‘Career Day 2013’ and I was wondering what my message would be, given that today’s youngsters want to fast track their career and drive the best cars in town and be seen in the most exclusive social setting that some of us took years to achieve.

Given this complex situation that I was up against, I thought of going back to basics and sharing some thoughts about how one can navigate one’s career. Let me capture the essence.

Early failures

I remember once a particular youngster mentioning to me that he had failed his A/Levels but had been awarded Sri Lanka schools colours for sports and had also been the Head Prefect at college. Looking back at my own life, the circumstances were quite similar and the only piece of advice I could offer him was to forget past failures as they have very little impact on the future provided one can focus ruthlessly on the task ahead. I also told him that he must move an interest to passion and it is only in this way that one can become the best in the country.

Over time, I saw this youngster’s dedication and focus on studying and his strong involvement at group work at breakout sessions during classes. He went on to win the Sri Lanka prize that I lectured, then he joined Unilever in brand marketing and went on to get promoted in the business. Subsequently he got pushed up to an internal secondment to the Pakistani business and the last I heard was that he has taken over a regional role in the Unilever business.

Pick up: Past failures do not determine your future success. It’s all about the sacrifices you make to master your chosen talent and make it one’s passion that will determine your success. Do not get distracted in life’s journey due to public opinion. Public opinion is like a mirage. As soon as you get closer to it, it fades away.

Overcome deficiencies

When Michael Phelps won his 1st Gold at the Beijing Olympics, I remember watching this moment on TV. He went and hugged his mother and there was a buzz on why this strong bond that was exhibited. It was later that the truth emerged.

The reason for this deep affection to his mum was because at the tender age of nine, Michel was diagnosed with a weakness called Attention Deficit Disorder. This reduces significantly one’s power of concentration. However, with years of training under the guidance of his mother (who was incidentally a single parent), the deficiency was overcome and he went to become one of the...

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